RatMat Pro TPE Yoga Mat: Grippy, 24″ x 72″ x 5mm

Strike a peaceful pose on the RatMat Pro! There's nothing quite like finishing a yoga session and feeling accomplished at the end of it. But practicing yoga can be difficult without a comfortable mat to support you and nobody likes showing up with a smelly mat! The RatMat Pro is an eco-friendly mat that will support your weight without fail. It's made from TPE (Thermo Plastic Elastomer) which is highly durable and recyclable as well! Spirituality and mental concentration are integral to practicing yoga, so have some peace of mind when you exercise. The RatMat Pro is very thick, offering great shock absorption so you don't end up hurting yourself when you put pressure on different parts of your body. The RatMat ProÕs TPE material is closed-cell, meaning it won't absorb moisture when you're sweating. Be more confident in yourself and make the most out of your yoga session with the RatMat Pro! Tested and certified by SGS, this mat doesn't contain any harmful materials and it certainly won't assault your senses with any harsh chemical smells.

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